Every problem can be solved with chocolate :)

If t° is above 24° in Belgium or in the country of destination, we do not sent the chocolate.
Your delivery will be delayed.



Privacy policy

In this privacy statement, you can read all about how your personal data is collected and handled. It explains where your data is stored and for what purposes your data is stored. Additionally, you will find all your rights regarding your data and how you can exercise those rights. The privacy statement may be amended at times due to, for example, legislative changes. It is therefore advisable to consult the statement periodically.

Last modified on 29/01/2021

Purpose of Data

Several purposes require the collection of personal data by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede. These are explained below.

01. Contact and/or placing an order

Your data will be collected when you contact or place an order through the website of Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede. However, these forms only ask for the necessary data to provide a proposal or a service, such as your name, email address, phone number, address, and optionally, your message.

03. Analytics

The website of Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede collects your data to improve the website. This is done using Google Analytics. This data is anonymous and therefore not linked to your personal information. This includes information such as the duration of your website visit or the pages you visit frequently.



The data received and processed by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede is managed by:

01. One.com

The email and website of Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede are hosted by One.com. When you contact us via the forms or email, the respective emails are stored on One.com servers.

02. Analytics

Analytical data is managed by Google Analytics. When you use the website, anonymous statistics are kept by Google Analytics.



A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet, or smartphone when you first visit this website. The main purpose of cookies is to store limited visitor data. You can opt out of cookies by adjusting your internet browser settings to no longer store cookies. Additionally, you can also delete all previously stored information through your browser settings.

01. Types of cookies used by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede

We can categorize the cookies we use into four categories:

a. Essential cookies
Essential cookies are necessary to make a website function. They ensure that basic functions such as page navigation, security, and loading time work.

b. Functional cookies
Functional cookies track information about your choices and preferences on a website. For example, they remember your language choice, login details, or the region you live in.

c. Analytical cookies
Analytical cookies collect information about the behavior of website visitors and the performance of the website. Based on the results, the website can be improved, and visitors can have a better user experience.

d. Marketing cookies
Marketing cookies track the browsing behavior of website visitors and use it to create a user profile. This profile is used to personalize the browsing experience and display personalized offers, advertisements, newsletters, and similar content that align with your interests.


Below is a list of cookies used on our website:

Names Domain Content and purpose Storage period
acceptCookies Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede Functional: This cookie keeps track of whether you have seen the cookie usage warning 1 year after session
vdb_session Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede Functional: This functional cookie is used by the PHP framework CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter provides most of the functionalities on our sites, such as subscribing to the newsletter or using the webshop. 2 hours after session
csrf_vdb_token Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede Functional: This functional cookie is used by the PHP framework CodeIgniter. It provides better security when filling out a form (Cross Site Request Forgery). 2 hours after session
google.com Analytical: Anonymously measures how users use the website 2 years after session

02. Disabling or deleting cookies

We recommend setting cookie usage preferences through the "privacy preferences" link. Additionally, you can completely disable the cookies used by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede and/or third parties as described below. Please note that in such a case, our Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede domains may not work optimally or may have limited accessibility.

Information on refusing and deleting cookies can be found on the following websites:

Google Chrome: about deleting existing cookies and refusing new cookies. Click here

Internet Explorer: about deleting existing cookies and refusing new cookies. Click here

Firefox/Mozilla: about refusing new Cookies. Click here

Firefox/Mozilla: about deleting existing Cookies. Click here

Safari: about deleting existing Cookies and refusing new Cookies. Click here

Opera: about deleting existing Cookies and refusing new Cookies. Click here


Storage Period

Your data is stored by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede for an extended period, but never longer than necessary for performing activities, unless we are required by law to retain your data for a longer period.

01. Contacting and/or Placing an Order

When you contact or place an order on the website of Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede, the data you provide, such as your name, company name, email address, and address, are stored in the database. This data is retained for a maximum of two years.


No physical copies of your personal data are made. Your data is only managed in the aforementioned systems and software.

The personal data managed by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede or the aforementioned third parties can only be accessed through the above software and is secured with a password and, where possible, two-factor authentication.

The devices that access your data are also locked with a password and/or fingerprint. The number of devices that have access to your data is limited to only the necessary devices.

In addition, your visit to our website is secured by an SSL certificate. This means that your connection to the website of Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede is private. You can recognize this security by the green lock icon in the URL.


Your Rights

01. Right to Access

You have the right to request access to your data stored and retained by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede at any time. You can do this by sending an email or contacting Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede by phone. You will then receive an overview of your data.

02. Right to Rectification

If your data is incorrect or has changed, you have the right to have it rectified by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede.

03. Right to Data Portability

If you need the data stored by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede in case you switch to another party or service, you have the right to data portability. Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede is required to transfer all your data to the other party.

04. Right to Erasure of Data

Do you no longer want your data to be recorded by Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede? Then you have the right to have your data erased.

05. Right to lodge a complaint

If you believe that Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede is not handling your data correctly, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority. This can be done through this link.

06. Right to object to data usage

If you do not want Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede to use your data, you have the right to object to the use of your personal data.

You can exercise these rights by contacting info@Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede and submitting a copy of your ID document, with the passport photo, the numbers at the bottom of the passport, and the national identification number made unreadable. We strive to respond within one week.



Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede processes personal data based on a legitimate interest, namely a commercial interest. This includes offering services or products from Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede via email. Your data will never be sold to third parties.

The data that is mandatory to provide is the minimum necessary data for offering the services or products. For example, your email address is required to send the newsletter. If this mandatory data is not provided, Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede cannot provide the respective service.

If it is necessary to share data that you have shared with Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede with parties other than those mentioned above (for example, to provide a service), your consent will be requested first.

Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede reserves the right to disclose data when required by law or when Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede deems it justified to comply with a legal request/process or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Chocolaterie Vandenbouhede. We always strive to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us using the contact information below.

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